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- Ryerson Housing & Residence Life -

Residence Handbook


The residence handbook was a new Ryerson (Now Toronto Metropolitan University) Housing & Residence Life marketing tool. Its goal was to compile the essential information from the website and repackage it into a visually appealing handout. I was responsible for the entire project; layout, photography, graphics, and content. I wrote, edited, and reorganized all copy contained in the handbook. Creating instructions and icons to simplify many procedures.


The handbook was distributed at the housing office to the residence visitors. It was also sent out to 3500+ potential residents in digital form. It was a rewarding project to take on and I enjoyed experimenting and adhering to the new branding standards.




During Ryerson University’s rebrand I was in charge of transitioning all Ryerson Housing & Residence Life marketing materials to the new branding standards.





It was an advantageous opportunity to redesign not only the website’s visuals but it’s navigation and content as well. This entailed the remapping of the website menus, rewriting old information, and creating new pages such as the ‘How To Apply’ section. Which maps out the application process for future students.


To meet rebrand deadlines I consulted with Ryerson’s marketing department and rebuilt the website in two weeks. This included the creation of graphic icons, banners, front page slides, CSS/HTML design, accessibility descriptions, and photography/photo editing.


I coded all fees charts with CSS to meet the new Ryerson branding standards


The current Ryerson Housing & Residence Life website continues to utilize the frameworks, photography, and media I contributed during my two years as the  Residence Marketing and Design Assistant.


Some of the current website pages that continue to feature my contributions of graphics, photography, CSS, and layouts.




Throughout the year I designed various posters and banners for distribution around campus, information fairs, and internal residence events and community guidelines. In addition to design I also provided photos to supplement the marketing material. Photos were organized and taken at events throughout the year.


Below are internal posters for residence created to remind students of the community rules and events.